Analogue signals are the bio-food for the cell
Evolution has given us senses through which we can experience the environment and orient ourselves. But just as we cannot grasp sunlight, we cannot see natural sound and others, but we can feel them. Although we cannot touch light frequencies or see sound waves, our bodies can feel these environmental components. Humans react evolutionarily to natural environmental characteristics with relaxation and a feeling of well-being, but more and more also to artificial environments such as acoustic smog. Music and sound are caught up in an industrially induced inflation. Music is mutilated, compressed, digitalised and fed to the body in a mostly unnatural way. As a result, our senses become more and more impoverished or overreactive. Irritation and rejection are the consequences.
Although nature provides us with natural sound, modern life means that we hardly have any access to it. Many people have to travel long distances to experience natural sound. Immersing themselves in natural acoustic influences from the loudness of everyday life allows them to breathe a sigh of relief. This fact leads to the fact that acoustic overload and stress have an influence on our health. Klanggesund® sound transducers show a way to transport natural sound into the places where we live and work. These products appeal to people who want to enjoy their music like a richly stocked buffet: complete- analogue- healthy, restful and invigorating.